right ... right .... right.... well me (the worst animator) is hpefully guna submit a flash (hopefully) well what i need is a crew a real crew 1 person to animate one person to voice and me write the script . only repply to this if your serious u need u to just repply to this . know the animation is about (put story by fornoreason)
a man walks down the street walking his dog "do ddo dddoooooo dod od do"
a goth walks up to him "roooocccckkkkkk onnnn "! (electric guitar effects )
kicks the dog " now this is how we do this shit"
man falls on the floor and weeps
goth plies away in to goth land
now if u want to repply dont say ul do this and walk off
Try using better grammar, I can't understand a damn word you're saying.
yh well im strange by the way............... im guna submit a flash in a min so like vote 5 plllzzzzz it will help alot !!! :D